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Confidence Building Exercises for Success

This post was originally published on the blog of our partners at the HerMeNow Accelerator on 07.09.2023.

Confidence building exercises can help individuals boost their self-esteem and achieve their goals by cultivating positive thought patterns and behaviors. Confidence is a mindset that reflects one’s belief in one’s abilities and performance, which can be strengthened through consistent practices like rewriting negative self-narratives, doing thorough preparation (like homework), improving posture, and investing in personal appearance. Research shows that self-confidence is closely linked to mental health and higher self-esteem, and practicing behaviors that promote self-belief can help overcome negative environmental influences. By shifting our mindset, embracing self-worth, and presenting our authentic selves, we can break barriers, build resilience, and live up to our true potential, personally and professionally.

You can read the full article here